Code formatting#
We have adopted Black as our code formatting tool. Line length is 120.
The easiest way to use is is to install the pre-commit hook: 1. Install pre-commit: pip install pre-commit 2. Execute pre-commit install to install git hooks in your .git/ directory.
Another good way to have it working is to set it up in your code editor. Pycharm, for example, has good support for this.
The pre-commit is not mandatory but Continuous Integration will check if the formatting is respected!
Tests and linting#
For the Python backend, we use the Django builtin test framework. Tests can be executed with
docker compose exec iaso ./ test
The few translation for the Django side (login and reset password email etc..) are separated from the test. We only translate the template for now not the python code (string on model or admin).
When modifying or adding new strings to translate, use the following command to regenerate the translations: makemessages --locale=fr --extension txt --extension html
This will update hat/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
with the new strings to
After updating it with the translation you need to following command to have them reflected in the interface: compilemessages
Code reloading#
In development the servers will reload when they detect a file change, either in Python or Javascript. If you need reloading for the bluesquare-components code, see the "Live Bluesquare Components" section.
If you need to restart everything
docker compose stop && docker compose start
If you encounter problems, you can try to rebuild everything from scratch.
# kill containers
docker compose kill
# remove `iaso` container
docker compose rm -f iaso
# build containers
docker compose build
# start-up containers
docker compose up
Jupyter Notebook#
To run a Jupyter Notebook, just copy the env variable from, activate the virtualenv and run
python shell_plus --notebook
Testing prod js assets in development#
During local development, by default, the Javascript and CSS will be loaded from
a webpack server with live reloading of the code. To locally test the compiled
version as it is in production ( minified and with the same compilation option).
You can launch docker compose with the TEST_PROD=true
environment variable
e.g TEST_PROD=true docker compose up
This can be useful to reproduce production only bugs. Please also test with this configuration whenever you modify to validate your changes.
Alternatively this can be done outside of docker by running:
npm run webpack-prod
to do the build- Launching the django server with
e.g.TEST_PROD=true python runserver