Environnement variables#
DB connection related#
the url is build based on the following env variables
the SQL dashboard use a dedicated user/password with readonly access to the data
AWS related#
Storing the various files like
- js/css/... static assets
- raw forms (xlsform), submissions (xml and media),... is done in s3 (or an s3 compatible api like minio)
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL: (used to for ex to point to minio)
for async task
BACKGROUND_TASK_SERVICE : default to SQS : possible values are SQS POSTGRES
ClamAV related#
If you don't set the required variables, ClamAV will not be configured and Iaso will not be able to scan uploaded files.
name | optional | default value | description |
CLAMAV_ACTIVE | false | False |
whether uploaded files need to be scanned with ClamAV or not |
CLAMAV_FQDN | false | www.some-url.com |
address that Iaso can use to reach ClamAV - FQDN, not full URL (e.g. clamav.mywebsite.com ) |
CLAMAV_PORT | true | 3310 |
port that Iaso can use to reach ClamAV |
Security Settings#
Django settings#
Iaso allows to set some of Django security settings as environment variable. To activate these features
set the environment variable to "true"
. Default is "false"
It is possible to setup a IASO server with CORS authorizing access from any server with the following environment
variable "ENABLE_CORS"
Default is "true"
Disabling login through passwords#
Set the environment variable DISABLE_PASSWORD_LOGINS
to the value"true"
in case you wish to deactivate passwords
using login:
- in the basic login page
- to connect to the admin
- through /api/token , which is used by default by the mobile application
Sentry related#
If you don't provide a SENTRY_URL, sentry won't be configured
name | optional | default value | description | --- |
SENTRY_URL | true | - | url specific to your sentry account | |
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT | true | development | environnement (dev, staging, prod,...) | |
SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE | true | 0.1 | float between 0 and 1 : send 10% | |
SENTRY_ERRORS_SAMPLE_RATE | true | 1.0 | float between 0 and 1 : send everything | |
SENTRY_ERRORS_HTTPERROR_SAMPLE_RATE | true | 0.8 | float between 0 and 1 : send 80% of the errors |
Maintenance mode#
(default is "false"
If you need to set up IASO in maintenance mode, meaning that it will display at / a page indicating that the
server is under maintenance, and give a 404 answer to all requests except for /health or /_health (wich we encourage to use
for status monitoring), you can set the environment variable MAINTENANCE_MODE
to the value "true"
Learn More URL#
environment variable is used to specify a URL that will be displayed on the login page. If set, users can click on a "Know More" link or the logo to visit this URL. If LEARN_MORE_URL
is not set, the logo will not be clickable, and the link will not be displayed.
In our environments, this will be linked to https://www.openiaso.com/
. For customer environments, this can be removed or customized as needed.
Product Fruits Integration#
To enable Product Fruits integration, set the following environment variable:
When this variable is set, Product Fruits will be enabled and only the account name and ID will be sent to the service. This allows for user onboarding and feature discovery.