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Background tasks & worker#

Iaso queue certains functions (task) for later execution, so they can run outside an HTTP request. This is used for functions that take a long time to execute so they don't canceled in the middle by a timeout of a connection closed. e.g: bulk import, modifications or export of OrgUnits. Theses are the functions marked by the decorator @task_decorator, when called they get added to a Queue and get executed by a worker.

The logic is based on a fork of the library django-beanstalk-worker from tolomea, please consult it's doc for reference.

If you want to develop a new background task, the endpoint /api/copy_version/ is a good example of how to create a task and to plug it to the api.

To call a function with the @task decorator, you need to pass it a User objects, in addition to the other function's arguments, this arg represent which user is launching the task. At execution time the task will receive a iaso.models.Task instance in argument that should be used to report progress. It's mandatory for the function, at the end of a successful execution to call task.report_success() to mark its proper completion.